Wednesday, May 30, 2007


MOUTH (1:10,000)
water - 330 colonies
tom's - 721 colonies
listerine - 2 colonies
scope - 45 colonies

E COLI (1:10,000)
water - 4.65 cm diameter avg + dense little colonies
tom's - 3.3 cm diamter + dense little colonies
listerine - 4 colonies
scope - no plate!

ML < EL < MS < MW < MT < ET < EW

ML similar to EL
MS noticeably more than ML, EL
MT, MW significantly more than ML, EL
MT, MW look abou tthe same area coverage-wise, but MT has more colonies (2 ppl counting)
EW, ET very different from rest: large colony (lawn) in center w/ small, dense colonies on outside

ES plate broke, so we plated it again 5/30

5/29 plated plates:
990 uL mouth/e coli to 10 mL of nutrient broth -> 1: 100. Repeat for 1:10,000
End up with 1 mL of liquid
divide into 4 tubes, 200 uL to each
add 200 uL of liquid (mouthwash) to each tube
wait... 10 min...
plate w/ 100 uL each
wait 1 day.


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